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Editorial design


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator

Gaze is a project that recalls family memory. I interviewed my parents and my grandparents about their experience as parents of international students. In recent years, my family went through some challenges that made us began to recollect our past. At the same time, I talked to my family more frequently during the pandemic. Therefore I decided to talk with them about this topic. 

I concluded five questions the works as an outline of the interview. These are the questions that I wanted to ask my family, but never found the right time to do so. After the interview, I transcribed the conversation and rearranged them so they are easy to read. I interviewed my family in Chinese, and I translated the content into English.

The cover design was inspired by the communication methods in the past and present. On the right was a chatting page on phone, and on the left is an old-style Chinese letter paper.

The book was made up of two parts: an interview with my grandfather and an interview with my parents. The pages of both sections were separated into two columns for a bilingual layout.

Element Cups

Observation of Eyes

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